How Do I Pick the Right Kennel for My Dog?

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If you're thinking of buying a dog kennel or doghouse, but are unsure how to go about it, here are a few tips to get you started.

Size matters

First, consider the size of your dog. A kennel should be large enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and stretch out comfortably. However, if it’s too big, it won't be able to retain your dog's body heat. 

Make matters

Wooden or plastic doghouse? Wooden doghouses need to be raised a few inches off the ground to prevent the wood from rotting and needs to be treated to make it weatherproof. Plastic doghouses are well-insulated, waterproof and easier to install. Be sure to choose a doghouse that suits your needs best.

Place matters

Avoid putting it in direct sunlight, it will not be summer-friendly. Choose spots in and around your house that are relatively snug and yet not too warm.

Other considerations

  • Add a plastic flap to keep the cold out during winters.
  • When the weather turns warm, the flap should be removed or tacked up to allow the heat to escape.
  • Ensure your dog has proper bedding to provide insulation from a cold floor.
  • Clean your dog's house regularly. 

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