Preparing for a dog

Preparing for a dog

How Do I Make My Home Pet-Ready?

The change in a puppy’s life - leaving his natural family and moving to a completely new world - will be both exciting and…

The Puppy Starter Checklist

Just like when you bring home a baby, there are a few things you need to keep handy before your pooch arrives home.Puppy…

How Do I Introduce My New Dog to My Cat?

If your new pooch doesn’t immediately have the run of the house, this will help your cat feel less threatened. Do keep these…

How to Give Your New Puppy the Warmest Welcome

Congratulations on bringing a new puppy home! We’re sure you are ecstatic to begin this new relationship. However, it is…

What You Need to Know Before Adopting an Indie

If you've just made the life-changing decision to give an indie a happy home, kudos and congratulations! Indies check all…

How to Adopt an Indian Street Dog

If you’ve made the wonderful decision to open your doors to an indie, congratulations! Your life is about to change for the…