Why is packaged food better for dogs than home cooked food?

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Doggo parents are often left wondering on the best option for their fur babies when it comes to choosing between homemade food v/s. store bought packaged pet food. While it may seem like feeding your pet the same food that you eat makes them a part of your family, it may turn out to be counter-productive since, home prepared food may not be the best for their health and well-being. Opting for packaged dog food offers numerous benefits, including balanced nutrition, ingredient safety, and the ability to address nutritional gaps that homemade meals may overlook for your dog's well-being. Manufactured pet food, like PEDIGREE® Dry dog food is carefully made to keep your dog well-fed, with 100% complete & balanced Nutrition.

With over 60 years of experience, PEDIGREE® has crafted products that align with dietary guidelines for 100% complete & balanced dog nutrition! 

Let us understand in detail about why packaged foods for dogs might be the best choice.  


Accuracy in Nutrition


Packaged dog food offers a diet that is nutrition rich. For instance, PEDIGREE®dog food is made with 37 essential nutrients and the right mixture of vitamins, fibre, calcium, and protein, ensuring it is nutritionally 100% complete & balanced as per international standards. PEDIGREE® contains a blend of Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) and Zinc for healthier skin & a shinier coat.

Home-cooked meals often run the risk of causing nutritional imbalance due to not having been prepared by experts. 


Safe & Non-Toxic Ingredients


While we try to share our home cooked food with our beloved pets, there are high chances of hurting them by unknowingly feeding ingredients like chocolates, grapes, and onions. With packaged foods like PEDIGREE®, pet parents won’t have to be left guessing on safety of ingredients as we craft recipes with guidance from vet experts at the WALTHAM Petcare Science Institute, UK. 


Complete Nutrition


Vitamins, minerals, and proteins are the unsung heroes of the micronutrient powerhouses, while fats, carbohydrates, and proteins are the macronutrient dream squad. Dog food in a package is an assembly of all these! PEDIGREE® is packed with a minimum of 20% crude protein to make sure that your dog’s bones and muscles stay heathy! These are the things that one might miss out on if relying on home cooked food.

With PEDIGREE®, each kibble is precisely crafted in terms of flavour and nutrients. Everything your dog needs is there, with 100% complete & balanced Nutrition: fats & carbohydrates for energy, proteins for muscle strength, dietary fibre for good digestive health, Omega 6 & Zinc for a shiny coat, and Vitamin E & Selenium for a healthy immune system.  


Utmost Convenience


The ease that bagged dog food offers in the hectic world is nothing short of revolutionary. Mealtimes are made less stressful, providing you with a quick solution. This is a lifesaver, saving the headaches of labour-intensive home food preparation, careful meal planning, and finding safe ingredients.

So, what are you waiting for? Click here to try a FREE sample of Pedigree’s 100% Complete & Balanced Dry dog food today!

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